Programs are being written to automatically convert model performance measure outputs to route system locations that can then be combined with State Highway data for display and analysis. An ArcView application will provide the interface between the modeling tools and ArcInfo GIS.Ī unique feature of this application is the ability to combine the link/node performance measure output from the modeling runs with the route system/milepost information (such as roadway physical characteristics, posted speeds, capacities, traffic signals, transit routes, etc.) from the Arc/lnfo GIS environment. A GIS is being used to store transit route and highway segment attributes, origin/destination survey data, socio-economic data, and roadway attributes. Performance measures are being computed for each of the alternatives and include air quality emission burdens. These procedures include HOV and transit demand estimation, and traffic forecasting, as well as a process for utilizing the results from the TRANPLAN, TransCAD, and INTEGRATION models for the evaluation of alternative solutions. The first phase includes development of procedures for assessing the effects of alternative transportation system improvements and multi-modal strategies on existing and forecast highway congestion and mobility. The LITP2000 study will provide an integrated multi-modal transportation program for managing congestion on the State Highway system and on selected local roadways within Nassau and Suffolk Counties in New York State. under the direction of the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT), is an example of such an effort. The Long Island Transportation Plan to Manage Congestion, being conducted by Parsons Brinckerhoff, Inc.
By combining the strengths of both systems, a more flexible and powerful modeling environment is created, along with an interface that facilitates user friendly visualization. While most modeling packages continue to be used for network simulation and analysis, GIS has found a place in data preparation, visualization and further analysis.
Increasingly, both GIS and transportation modeling packages are being used together to help develop multi-modal transportation programs.
GIS Development for the LITP2000 Multi-modal Transportation Study, Long Island, New York