You and your sage counterpart are the lone ACs that require an actual good group to do their job. In short you will not outburst anyone dmg for dmg because you will die long before they do. One class, again they shall remain nameless, actually does substantially better burst than you while having much better survivability. All of them can do the same burst we can while being either mobile or being able to stand still and survive. The other problem is that our burst is in line with, rather than superior to, every other class and they get better cds. You, unlike literally every other class, are completely dependent on good team play to be able to stay in place and cast. So what we end up with is a turret spec that is very hard to get close too since they have the tools to turret and live then a turret spec which is the polar opposite and must run when someone sneezes. The main problem with sorcs is that our burst spec is turret without the tools to so do like another class who shall remain unnamed *cough*snipers*cough*. Madness could use some dev attention, but its still a good spec if you're pugging. And to answer whether sorcs are viable in PvP. I'm pretty sure your issue is mostly gear related, since Lightning has good burst and Madness is great at kiting.
#Dps 2013 10k full
Just trudge through the first week of warzones till you're full partisan, then start optimizing your gear and augmenting with resolve (willpower) augments.
If you are specced Corruption, I can't say much on the subject, since I've only run it in the lower brackets.
Ideally, attack someone your teammates are attacking (hopefully the healer!) and that should help make up for your lower numbers due to your lack of gear. Your goal in each warzone, aside from the objective (which should be your #1 goal) should be to avoid attention while pumping out as much damage as you can. What spec are you? Lightning has great burst, and even with crappy gear I'm seeing some good numbers from my sorc, and they're getting better with each piece of gear. I think spec could also have something to do with it. From what I can tell, Sorcs really benefit from gear in PvP moreso than other classes, due to the fact that we will start off with lower expertise than well geared players, along with our light armor. Hey Math, I just hit 55 on my Sorc last night, so I get what you mean about feeling kind of useless compared to other classes.